Buy crypto
Straightforward, secure, fast – that’s Cryptopay
Buy easily, store safely and use the crypto you bought right away
Buy crypto with Visa or Mastercard
Near-instant buys with any bank card, and your crypto is available to use straight away
Buy crypto
Choose from 35+ crypto assets
More than 35 of the best-performing assets on the market. Invest in what you believe in
Explore assets
Make a SEPA deposit and exchange to crypto
Deposit directly from your personal bank account and exchange to any crypto asset
Create account
Send crypto for free
Transfers between Cryptopay users are always free, and work 24/7
Send for free
Buy with confidence
To ensure the safety of your funds, we spread your crypto between hot, warm and cold storages
Buy safely
Buy crypto in 3 steps
Use your Visa or Mastercard
Create and verify account
Now you’re ready to begin
Choose from 35+ assets
Bitcoin is king, but there are many other promising coins on the market. Have a read about them and choose your champion
Choose payment method and press Buy!
Want to test the waters? Start with just €10 (and go as high as your bank allows)
What's next?
Your crypto is now held safely in your Cryptopay account. You can use it right away. How? We have a few suggestions

Sell crypto instantly and withdraw EUR to your bank account
Sell crypto
Not sure where to start?
Our support team will answer all your questions so you feel safe on your journey
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